To be or not to be…one’s own Boss

I recently heard someone say “these days, nobody wants to work for anybody anymore. They all want to be their own boss.” It was a passing statement explaining some labor problems in the construction industry, but I got to thinking about it: Is that why I left the laddered world of salaried architecture? Because I couldn’t stand having a boss? Because I am a recalcitrant rebel? Because I want freedom from the man’s schedule and dictum?

The answer is a resounding “no.” Although there are elements of all those attitudes in my desire to push Dura Architecture forward,  they don’t really make sense in the context of Dura’s core values and mission. And I suspect that for alot of passionate entrepreneurs that’s really not it at all.

Several reasons why Dura exists:

1. To serve clients with high-performing architecture: the conviction here is that clients are my boss. I want to understand your needs and provide you with the best design possible. The other conviction is the high-performing architecture is not just for super-rich international clients. Every client deserves intelligent design in which discrete design elements perform more than one function, thus yielding more value to that client over the long run. The better I understand what makes a client tick, the better I can mold those design elements to best serve you. In fact, one of the reasons I decided to leave staffer-world was because I didn’t have enough contact with clients. I love people. I love getting to know clients and working together to achieve their goals.

2. Responsibility and responsiveness: I felt I could learn more and faster by taking full responsibility of it. And in leaving, I chose to temporarily forego big projects and big budgets in lieu of working to find meaningful projects that can make this region better with functional and beautiful design.

3. I love architecture. Good architecture is a way to change the world. I aspire to no less. Dura Architecture is about improving design and improving clients’ ability to succeed with our design.


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